Imagine this. You have completed your lab work. You analysed your data and made some quick-and-dirty graphs. You put the graphs and some guiding text into a Powerpoint presentation. You practiced your talk a few times. And you are fully ready, albeit slightly nervous, to get on stage at the EGU. What questions will you get this time? Not to worry, you have prepared a few answers. Then, you realise… I am in my pajamas!
While many presenters probably have had nightmares about this, in 2020 that was not something to stress about. Because EGU2020 was entirely held online, with chat sessions. No cameras, otherwise the pajamas would have been a fashion issue…
On Monday 5 May, Danielle, Kristine and myself presented the first AGENSI contribution at EGU2020. And it truly was a joint effort, with us frenetically typing to answer questions in the 10-min time slot that we were given. Yes, typing answers to a live audience of people (probably also in their pajamas) within 10 minutes! It was the first time that the EGU was held entirely online. It was different, but you certainly felt the conference vibe.